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Trainings, Seminars & WorkshopsPublished on 29 April 2024

Support to Media & the Information Environment: Opportunities and Challenges

Event Date

  • Tuesday 12:00 - 13:00

SDC’s PGE Section is pleased to invite you to the webinar on the new Development Cooperation Principles on Support to Media and the Information Environment [EN] [FR], which the OECD/DAC has adopted in March 2024. - Click here to join the meeting!

Objectives of the webinar are to become familiar with the new media principles and to discuss how Switzerland can implement these principles to strengthen the relevance and effectiveness of its support to the media and the information environment.

Such support is more important than ever as various forces pose an unprecedented threat to media as a democratic pillar, journalism as a profession, and information as a public good. The rise of new technologies, including social media and artificial intelligence, has had far reaching consequences on information ecosystems. The collapse of the traditional business model for journalism, state capture of media interests, threats to journalist safety, declining public trust in journalism, and growing authoritarianism, pose an existential threat to free and independent media and information integrity and with them, to democracy itself.


  • Opening and Presentation of DAC Media Principles: Hanspeter Wyss Governance Advisor Section Peace, Governance & Equality, SDC
  • Switzerland and the DAC Media Principles: Caroline Vuillemin Director-general Fondation Hirondelle
  • Q & A: All participants
  • Closing: Pascale Dychter-Schmid, Section Human Rights Diplomacy, PHRD/State Secretariat

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